Visita l'Atelier Mazot Milano
Vieni a trovarci scrivendo a
Carola Mazot
Thinking about my path of work, I have to put Mario De Micheli among my greatest masters thank to the existential importance who he had in my artistic and consequently human life, at different times.
When he brought out me from the single subject, the heads from memory: "Take a large canvas and makes a composition!", I discovered the beauty of space setting and new impulses and attractions that resulted from this.
And when he made me start painting again after a bereavement that struck me and convinced me to have lost the strength to work, with what might be called a ploy: "Copy Sironi by a reproduction".
Very surprised, as this traditionally was considered the greatest of the worst. I followed this advice because it was he who gave it to me and, without realizing it, I found myself painting, and I wanted to change everything I saw.
It was a girl sitting at a table, with an arm bent. I liked to do it straight for the usual diagonal line that I love. Its features made me to change them completely, and so on. And so I found myself after a year again with brushes in hand, to take the existence and heal many illnesses. The masters are for the things they say.
From the diary by Carola Mazot
(Valdagno 2-12-1929 - † Milano 24-05-2016)
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